$2500 for the Best Application
$500 each for the Two Best Ideas
{Thank you to the Developers and Boat Owners who entered}
{To see the winners click here}
<===\ Competition Entry closed on the 31st December 2017 /===>

The “Code Afloat Challenge” from Digital Yacht is a competition, which seeks to encourage and recognise ideas and applications that will ‘change the game’ in the field of marine navigation, communication, safety, control or entertainment. Applications and ideas will need to utilise Signal K, the new open source interfacing platform.
Open to both developers and boat owners, with a prize of $2500 for the developer that creates the best working application and two prizes of $500, open to anyone, for the two best ideas for new apps. Even if you have never written a line of code but have a great idea for an app to make sailing easier, safer or more fun, then why not take part and win one of the two $500 prizes. Furthermore, one or both of the best ideas may be professionally developed, funded by Digital Yacht, so your idea could become a real app.
For more information on this free competition click here or for full terms and conditions click here.
The competition is now closed for the list of winners click here

Signal K is a modern and open data format for marine use. Built on standard web technologies including JSON, WebSockets and HTTP, Signal K provides a method for sharing information independent of the underlying communications protocol (e.g. NMEA0183, NMEA2000, SeaTalk, I2C, 1-Wire, ZigBee, etc) in a way that is friendly to WiFi, cellphones, tablets, and the Internet.
A format available to everyone, where anyone can contribute, Signal K is the first truly open data format for the marine industry and is set to revolutionize how we consume and interact with data on boats.
For more information on Signal K visit

iKommunicate is the first NMEA to Signal K gateway, allowing you to be part of the “Internet of Things”. With an NMEA2000 interface and three NMEA0183 Ports, iKommunicate takes data from the “closed” NMEA marine industry networks found on most boats and converts it to an “open” HTML5 based internet ready data format, enabling a whole new world of social and connected boating solutions.
Mobile and web developers will be able to create a new generation of Apps and Cloud based solutions that provide boat owners with the same experience on the water, as they get on land, making boating more exciting, safer and accessible. At the heart of this technical revolution is the newly developed, open source Signal K data format. This fast growing “next generation navigation” and data sharing platform enables the connected boat – welcome to the internet of things afloat!
For more information on iKommunicate visit